Thursday, April 5, 2012

One to go

13 treatments down and one to go.  And we are both pretty darn happy! Though we have to say, going to the radiation center has helped us with our continued effort at focus.  We've seen several people getting radiation who were much more fragile than Roger.  Many were unable to walk on their own.  It gives you pause.  Today we observed a man, slightly older than Roger,  in a wheel chair with part of his hair missing and a very large scar circling a large part of his head.  He seemed confused and couldn't communicate very well.  As we were walking out of the center, we both commented how "lucky" Roger was in this respect.  He is mobile, can communicate, etc.  A little perspective is a good thing sometimes.  We discussed how its all bad.  There are just differing degrees of bad. 

The day was decent all things considered.  Roger's disposition was actually pretty good.  And now, as he has been for the last 3.5 hours Roger is snoozing in his chair.  I've tried to rustle him to go to bed.  Each time I've been met with "No, I'm watching TV"....hmmmm, through your closed eyelids? Oh well.   So, I'll try again. 

I don't really have much for you today.  It wasn't a bad day, it wasn't a good day.  It was just Thursday.  And a very quiet Thursday evening.

More tomorrow.  ~a & r

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