So, I re-read yesterday's post and am left a little speechless after the whole of today. Remember, yesterday I referenced the man in the wheelchair with missing patches of hair. Well, I must have been foreshadowing...foreshadowing unbeknownst to me. Roger took a shower this morning prior to us leaving to go to the radiation center. He came out of the bathroom with a towel in hand and said "well, looks like the symptom of hair falling out is starting to happen" And there on the towel were little clumps of hair. And, at the back of his head there were two bald patches...just like the man yesterday. Omygod. omygod. omygod. My heart stopped, tears rushed to my eyes. I know its totally silly and Roger gave me such a hard time. Its not like he has LOTS of hair anyway...but what little he has I love to rub, kinda like peach fuzz. And, beyond that the emotional impact of all this which I try to keep buried deep deep in my soul just erupted. As the day has progressed, there seemed to be more of these patches appearing. I mentioned that to Roger this evening and he said, "oh yah, look." And then started grabbing little tufts of hair and pulling gently. I told him he had to stop because he was going to make me cry again. Roger decided enough of all this. We used the trimmers and removed what little hair remained. *sigh*
High spots of the week: Yesterday, Roger's glass teacher, Yuri, brought over the most beautiful, amazing bowl she made for him.(out of this world gorgeous) Today, we had breakfast with Roger's friend Steve who we hadn't seen since last year. Always good to catch up with friends even if for short visits! As mentioned at the start of this post, today was the last day of radiation. Then we knocked out a few projects. I met with a landscaper about doing some yard work (trying to simplify things for us). And then we drove south to Vevay, IN. I think we're just staying the night and then headed back home tomorrow. The diesel mechanic is supposed to be at the boat tomorrow morning early to start the motor rebuild process. Roger gets a great deal of comfort knowing the projects on the boat are getting done and that the boat is getting closer to a point when we can sell. I've told him we don't need to worry about selling it now and that I can take care of that whenever necessary...later. Since he is soooo happy on the boat, I think its silly to sell when we have a perfectly good spring/summer season coming. I think we should enjoy it while we can.
As usually, the clock ticks away in the back ground. Time to turn Jay Leno off and convince my hubby to lay his worn out body down to grab what little sleep we can.
Should there be any question in your mind, I simply adore...nope...crazy love my husband and can't imagine a world without this amazing, creative, talented person. Every moment is precious. I have such a renewed appreciation of him and quite frankly of all the amazing people in our life. ~ a
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