Today, we finished a chapter. We sold our boat. I don't mean to sound so melodramatic. I mean, really, its just a boat. But the boat represented a lot of memories and also represents yet another thing Roger isn't able to do any more due to his failing health. And, it simply makes us both heartsick. We did the sea trial with the buyer and his friend (turns out to be co-buyer). Had a few last minute discussions regarding price but collected the balance of the original amount negotiated. Roger's friend and business partner Russ was with us. He brought a friend with him as well. So after we finalized the deal, the buyers left us to have a little quiet time on the boat. Russ, his fr
iend Dick and I had a beer. Roger sipped his water. And then, we collected our remaining items, closed up the boat and made our way down the dock. Roger and I both had tears trickle down. I know. HOW silly...its just "stuff"...but for us, again it represented the close of another chapter.

Tonight has proven out to be an emotional evening. I think we both have felt a pretty strong under tow of emotions and stress. Roger piercing pain in his head this evening which emotionally just proved to be too much. As I crawled onto his lap and held onto him, I explained that maybe, just maybe the past couple days of feeling bad might be due to the stress of the vocal cord procedure and then the stress of selling the boat. He reflected for a minute, took a deep breath and said, "you're probably right. Just a lot to deal with". He's been napping on and off most of the afternoon/evening.
All and all relative to how he was doing before the procedure yesterday, Roger seems to be doing well. Swallowing is still good. Today he has been speaking a little and sounds much better than he has in weeks!! I've noticed improvement from this morning compared to this evening. Am hoping each day brings more improvement. I joke with him that I'll be happy to have his voice back so that he can make his own calls and appts and I can stop being his secretary...truth is, I just love the sound of his voice...even if he's driving me crazy with one of his Roger-isms.
Anyway, that's what I've got for you tonight. Headed back to Indy early tomorrow morning. I have a client meeting so I need to be back. We both are looking forward to not having to go anywhere once we get home for a while.
Sending hugs your way. Enjoy each chapter of your respective book and don't try to rush to the next chapter. Savor each one. love, a & r
Keeping you both in my prayers and thinking of you both everyday ! xoxoxx
I have to believe, Angie & Roger, that another door opens when one closes. I feel your pain; "It's just stuff," BUT we all love our stuff. Evie