Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chirp chirp chirp

That's all I've heard most of the weekend.  Chirp chirp chirp from Roger, a.k.a Chatty Charlie.  HolyMoly.  I didn't fully realize HOW quiet it truly has been for the past several months....until the past three days which have been non-stop (slight exaggeration) talk from Roger.  There were a couple times today and over the weekend when I caught myself looking at Roger and thinking "Geeeez, he sure can talk!  Who IS this guy?"  My brain was tired from trying to keep up.  You see, with the increased conversation came an onslaught of new project ideas, new business ideas, etc.  It makes me laugh to even think about it now! 

The day was a nice, "normal" day.  We went to brunch at one of our former regular Sunday haunts.  Then ran errands including a trip to the pet store for more fish.  I think it might have been better for Roger to have soloed this errand himself. I about passed out when I found out how much the fish cost that he wanted.   The little blue slimy thing while pretty (as pretty as a fish can be) had a whole bunch of $$$$ attached to it.  The reason we went to the pet store was actually to RETURN a fish we have had  purchased there a year ago.  Now don't get the wrong idea, we weren't returning a dead fish.  The little bastard was alive.  It was just mean as hell.  It attacked all the fish in our tank and was a regular bully.  The fish place told Roger he could bring it back if we decided we didn't want it any more.  This afternoon after much conversation, we decided our tank of torture might actually be better as a tank of peace if the black little scaly beast was gone.  So, we spent 30 minutes (literally) chasing the monster around the tank trying to catch him.  FINALLY, when we both were about ready for a nervous breakdown we caught it.  With our ziplock bag of water and fish-the-bully, we headed off to the fish place.  As we were driving Roger said what I had been thinking, "You know.  I kinda feel bad about returning him.  Its like we are kicking out a family member.  The poor guy is going to be banished in the mean fish tank."  It really was too funny that we both were thinking this...about...a....FISH.

As I mentioned before, I'm not going to jinx us so I'm not going to comment whether or not today was a good day or a bad day.  I'll just leave you with a smile  :-)

Its temporarily quiet since Roger is dozing on the sofa across from me.  I'm going to nudge him and shuffle us both up to bed.  g'nite. luv, a

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