Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A little silliness never hurt anyone

Wow. What a night....and I don't mean that in the good way. Roger woke at 1:30 am choking. He said he felt like he was drowning. It was terrifying for both of us. Before going to bed, he had removed the wedge pillow (literally a pillow shaped like a wedge) he has been sleeping on for the past 6 weeks so that he could try to sleep flat. Dr. B said it was ok to try. Well none of us thought about the fact that Roger's system was still producing saliva/mucosa. As his esophagus swells, the saliva has nowhere to go thus waking to find himself literally choking/drowning on his own saliva. The angle of the wedge pillow helped avoid this situation. It rocked our world for the balance of the night/morning. The wedge pillow is BACK on the bed.

We met with the radiologist this morning, Dr. Liebross. The goal of the meeting was to get "approval" to push off the final four radiation treatments until next week so that Roger's poor system could recover. Sadly, Dr. Liebross did not "approve". Of course he said "its your body and your decision about your health care - however if you are asking me if it would be prudent in the course of your treatment to take a break...no it wouldn't." We discussed the fact that Roger's system appears to be shutting down and the implication of additional radiation treatments. The doctor said that we will still try to avoid the feeding tube (Roger ABSOLUTELY does NOT want the feeding tube) - and if necessary, they will give Roger fluids every day as he needs it. So, after a lively discussion with the doctor, we headed to radiation and Roger started the first of the last 4 radiation treatments. We both realize that Roger may land in-patient in the hospital if we aren't able to manage his hydration/nutrition.

After such a rough night and the knowledge that the coming days are going to continue to be difficult, I decided a little levity (ok, out-right silliness) was necessary. The below pictures are of Roger with two of his girlfriends from the oncology center, Marisichka and Denise. Since I subjected them to the silliness, I figured I had better be willing to do it as well, so that's me in the third picture. Roger tried to protest but gave up when the gals happily put on the glasses and laughed loudly with us (ME!). Maybe some of Roger's juvenile behavior is rubbing off on me.

We're looking forward to better days. I'll keep the glasses handy...just in case. Much love, R & A


  1. Very nice indeed and a great diversion. I think of you guys several times each day and pray for a good day for Roger and you.


  2. You know, Roger, I've never before noticed how much you look like my Uncle Willis--who was a famous town drunk and loyal member of the Eagle's Lodge. And, Angie, you'd better head to Kroger, because someone there is squeezing the Charmin. Great look, you two. Most of all, I love seeing that you guys are still there and haven't lost yourselves to Roger's disease. All of us hope we'd be able to remain human throughout an ordeal like this, but not everyone can manage it. Hats (and noses) off, to my two fantastic and lovely and funny and oh-so-wonderfully-human friends. I love you.
