Saturday, December 26, 2009

Roger did well yesterday afternoon. He sat up again. His breathing was solid. He was making some progress. The evening was a little more challenging - though less so than the night before. He had to complete three "tests" for the ventilator to be removed. He did two of the test beautifully during the day, the third test did not go as well. As a result, Roger has not been removed from the vent. My heart started to sink a little last night when I saw that the breathing wasn't going as well as it needed to. I pretty much knew the vent wouldn't be coming out.

So here we are today. The pulmonary doctor came in this morning and adjusted the ventilator settings. The machine is taking less breaths for Roger but is still providing him three big solid breaths to stretch out his lungs. The balance of the breaths are Roger's with a little umph from the machine to get it moving. The challenge today is that he has continued, increased mucus in his mouth, throat, and coughing up from the lungs. As a result he is having to spend a lot of time coughing (which racks his body) and then suctioning stuff out of his mouth. Its pretty exhausting for him.

The balance of the day will be spent with him resting, breathing treatments, "dangling" his legs over the edge of the bed, and more resting. Pretty low key.

I've got a couple movies I'm watching. Will finish a book, and then will start another book.

Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers for Roger.

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