Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Friday

And, Merry Christmas. Remember, we're viewing this as any other day in the smoliday. And I mean that sincerely. NO BIG DEAL. So NONE of you need to feel bad or sorry or worry that we happen to be here on December 25. It would be the same if it were February 25 or July 25. Just another day. The focus is no different today than it would be any day....get Roger better. So, no worries no sadness from ANY OF YOU!!!! I'm not sad, not weepy, not in the least bit discouraged. Roger is here and is improving - though slowly - on a daily basis. Positive focus - onward and upward!

We made it through the night though it was a little "tedious" for lack of a better word. Our nurse, Arika, was good at trying to work with me/Roger in adjusting his propafal down but then back up as necessary to get him through the night. There were several incidents/episodes were Roger's mouth/throat area became clogged with thick mucus. As a result it would send him into spasms and cause momentary "attacks". Either the nurse (if she was in the room) or I would suction out his mouth. If the fluid was deeper in this trachea or bronchial tubes then either the nurse or the respiratory therapist would have to clear the passage way with a small tube that suctions out the ventilation tube. I did stay nestled in the corner of the room with a pile of blankets on me (they keep these rooms FREEZING) and a couple pillows all packed together between two chairs... I had myself a fine little nest to snooze on and off until the next episode.

Happily Roger has settled more this morning. The pulmonary doctor has changed the setting on Roger's ventilator so that now Roger is doing all the work. This proves to the doctor and nurses and Roger will be ready to come off the vent. The day for coming off the vent has moved again much to my dismay. The doctor said that if all goes well today then he should come off tomorrow. Roger will most likely have a fair amount of pain in his throat and mouth from where the ventilator was - but its something we can address with pain killer. As of the time of starting this post, 10:00 am , he is resting comfortably. He has woken momentarily, blinked his eyes, and then faded back off. Propafol is at its lowest setting. For the moment, all is good.

More later - just wanted to give you a quick update. Eat and DRINK for us. We've got a fair amount of catching up to do in 2010!

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