Here are a couple pictures from last weekend. This is our boat. As I briefly mentioned yesterday, we stayed with my parents at their river house. Sunday Mom, Dad, and I cleaned the boat. Roger unfortunately wasn't feeling well. The movement on the boat from the various waves in the marina proved to be really difficult on Roger. As you can imagine, your body tries to balance against the waves/movement. If your core isn't strong...well, it takes everything out of you. S
o, Roger rested on the sofa while we set about cleaning and knocking out projects he wanted done. The potential buyer we referenced previously is still interested in purchasing the boat. We thought Roger might try to meet with the buyer this week. He, the buyer, wants to do a sea trial (go for a boat ride) and then make us an offer. Since Roger's voice hasn't returned, he hasn't gone down there. A project for next week. We want to sell the boat. Roger has said the boat is simply too much for him any more, so....we need to sell it. Sad or not sad.
I do have a small funny for you. I think I've told you before, I do not like (understatement....hate) spiders. Its completely irrational, but its real. I'm terrified of them. It is a "boy" job in this house to deal with them. In a moment of desperation, I will deal with the multi-legged monster. This past week, a GIGANTIC, HUGE, UNNATURALLY LARGE spider was in our master bathroom. OOOhhhhhHELLNO. That was not going to do. Roger, was downstairs ...I had come upstairs to run a bath for him. So, the 8-legged beast lunged at me when I tried to whack it with my shoe. It jumped to the roll of toilet paper. I whacked it with my shoe only to have the monster fall to the garbage can below. You and I both know, it was NOT dead merely stunned and I was sure plotting its revenge. So, when Roger came up for his bath, I warned him there may be a monster lurking in the garbage can and that he, Roger, should keep a shoe handy...just in case. Now my slightly abnormal fear of spiders comes naturally. My dad does not like them either. So much so that he closes the drains in the bathtubs and sinks in their river house when they leave. Well, despite my husband not feeling well. He decided he was going to play a joke on my dad. He captured the stunned monster in a zip lock bag and we took it with us to southern Indiana. As mentioned, the drains were indeed closed. So, when my Dad went outside, Roger took his little prize and released it in the bathtub knowing my dad would be coming in to take a shower. Of course my dad came in a short while later. The next thing we know, my dad is scurrying out of the bathroom to chase down a paper cup and piece of cardboard to get the spider out of the tub all the while saying "I just don't know how this spider made it into the tub! The drain was closed" We erupted into laughter and Roger revealed - through his whispered voice - that he brought the little present all the way from Indy just for my dad.
Today was busy and tomorrow will prove to be the same. We had an appointment with Roger's pain doctor. The doctor wanted to see how the new pain killer was working and what Roger thought of it....Roger didn't like it. He asked about Roger's lost voice and referred us to an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor. Appointment is tomorrow morning at 10:30. Its a never ending process, but one I'll gladly do in an effort to find Roger some comfort and hopefully get his voice back. He's soooooo quiet. The house is sooooo quiet.
Will let you know how the appointment goes tomorrow. hugs, a