Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chemo started yesterday without much event.  We first met with Roger's oncologist Dr. Birhirray.  Which is the normal drill.  We gave him a copy of Roger's MRI test results from the prior day.  Dr. B reviewed the results and had the dictated version of the test results pulled for us.  The concern going into this was that Roger could possibly have had a tumor on his spinal cord.  The other very real possibility was that he could have ancillary damage to his spinal cord from the radiation 2 years ago.  Happily (VERY weird to say "happily" in this case), Roger "only" has a bulging disc between two vertebrae which is in turn putting pressure on the spinal cord and causing pain to shoot down his back to his feet.  Good news, right?  Yes, absolutely in that there is no tumor.  Bad news is that we need to try to remedy this bulging disc.  Options?  Therapy, glucosamine, drugs, surgery.  Roger is going to try physical therapy (or physical torture as he calls it) and drugs.  We're not sure if the bulging disc is also related to ancillary damage from chemo/radiation, related to Roger's now very very poor posture, or, related to him (us) turning into junior old people.  None sound like great options to ys.

Roger's cancer continues to respond well to the chemo.  His cancer protein markers peaked and are now declining.  Good stuff.  Definitely good stuff.  The kind of thing we totally need to remember through the thick of all this.

Chemo seems to be in the express lane to hell ( like many of the most recent past treatments).  Immediate onset of sensitivity to cold...just in time for the first snow flurry today.....what....the....hell?????? SNOW?????  Come on!!!!!!  Its sooooo not right.  Our house heat is officially up to 76 degrees.  I'm sweating.  The cats are sweating ( or would be if they sweat)....and Roger?  He is wearing two layers and a blanket.  Aside from the chemo side effects....Roger doesn't have any meat on his bones so that alone makes him sensitive to cold combined with chemo and you have a double whammy.

The balance of the week and weekend will be very quiet.  Roger will have loads of sofa time and I will try to get caught up on house work (damn leaves and damn laundry),  paying bills, and TRYING to catch up on work.  Never ending as I'm sure you all know as well.  There's always SOMETHING which needs to be done. 

bundle up.  get the hat, scarf and gloves out....winter is not only on its way....I'd say its made its appearance a little early.  xxooxx~ a & r

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