Oh yah. Its Halloween. Oh yah, my hubby feels decent. Oh yah, my decent feeling hubby came home with not one, not two, but THREE pumpkins to be carved. When he hit the door, we set up our pumpkin carving station. Newspapers spread on the counter, various pumpkin carving tools ranging from knives, spoons, scoops, saws, drills, and dremmel tools...because you KNOW if Roger is involved then power tools are involved.
The chosen designs. 1) another polka dot pumpkin cuz I love 'em and my hubby patronizes me, and 2) a cat-design because, well, because we might have a couple cats living here with us, and 3) a spider because, well, because its Halloween and Halloween screams creepy!
Pumpkins got carved, candles lit and inserted and then jack-o-lanterns were strategically placed on the front porch and in the window in the garage. All to attract the little tricksters...lights turned on throughout the house. "Yes, we're home! Yes, we have candy!"
I put on my Halloween hat (no, Roger, its NOT my everyday hat). And oh, happy day! They came. Not hundreds, not masses and masses. I *did* have to practically stand along the sidewalk pulling kids to the front porch. But nonetheless, we got trick or treaters.
I 'm guessing we probably had about 30 or so. No award winning numbers but we had some little cuties. Just good fun.
Pumpkin seeds have been cleaned, seasoned and baked. Two kinds: 1) Garlic Salted with a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper, and 2) sugar with cinnamon and a pinch of salt. So yummy. The Garlic salted seeds were for me. The cinnamon and sugar seeds were for Roger. He's the sweet one...NOT me!! It just ain't Halloween if you don't have pumpkin seeds. As we munch away on the seeds, we looked at each other and declared "we're gonna need more pumpkins to get more pumpkin seeds!"
So, that's Halloween with the Wethingtons. The cats did NOT dig my fancy Halloween hat, so it will be put away for another year.
Tomorrow Roger is headed to the boat with his friend Russ to winterize the rest of the boat. I think the weather may actually cooperate with them.
November 9th will be the next chemo treatment (boo!). Treatment # 8 (4 more to go after the 8th) ! Sometime after that treatment, Roger will have another CT scan to see how the tumors are responding to the chemo. He remarked over the weekend how hard it is to believe that we are doing it again...beginning yet another cycle of this torture we call "treatment". The thought left us both breathless...its getting harder and harder to screw up the courage/energy/etc to gear up for the next treatment. Hard to believe we started all this right after July 4th. Holyhell. July, August, September, October...and now, November. We both shake our heads incredulously when we hear of people who endure chemo for years and years. Obviously, the "fight" instinct kicks in and you endure what you have to endure to make sure you keep on living. But whew, it can paralyze you in your thoughts sometimes.
Happy Halloween all you ghouls and goblins. hugs, a & r