Sunday, September 4, 2011

The fog has lifted

We knew it would took longer than anticipated....but the fog has finally lifted.  It was a dark and dense one that periodically felt suffocating....but it has lifted.

Roger is feeling much much better.  Well better MOSTLY.  His intestines which literally and figuratively trail behind (get it?  behind?....sorry) are now getting into the act.  Regardless, he generally feels better.  His personality has emerged from the fog.  Goofy and silly and somewhat obnoxious. 

An example:  We were adding water to our salt water fish tank.  I had to bring the water up from the basement.  We have some sort of whiz-bang water gizmo which changes ordinary Hoosier tap water in to fancy-smancy water that fish-ies love (or at least don't die from).  Anyway, I hefted a big ol' 5 gallon jug up the stairs  and then we BOTH  raised the jug to pour water into the tank.  As we are pouring the water and I am being ever so careful to NOT spill water on the hardwood floors, I feel something tickling my fingers which are on the underside of the water jug.  I must confess, I have an inexplicable, unreasonable, down right ridiculous fear of spiders...So I pondered for a moment, "is that something with 8 legs?!?!?!?!??!" .  Deciding no, it was not a monster with 8 legs.  I look over at Roger and see him smirking and then realize its HIS fingers tickling mine.  As I realize this I ask, "what are you doing?" and get in response "flirting at the fish tank".  See?  Goofy.  I know.  For most everyone else, you'd say "what?  big deal"  Gotta tell you.  From my perspective, it IS a big deal.  I don't hear boo from Roger for several days during chemo and then when he does communicate....well, he's a smidge grumpy and when he comes out on this side with the "old Roger" goofy and all...Well, its freakin' fabulous!!!!   

We are down at the boat.  Its ridiculously hot.  Roger is in heaven and I feel as if I'm in hell.  Not figuratively but literally.  See, here's the paradox.  Roger's chemo makes him hyper sensitive to cold.  Soooooooo......he LUVSSSSSSSSS hot hot hot.  And me?  Well, I'm 27 years old (read between the lines) and hyper sensitivity to heat.  Since my world is about making and trying to keep Roger comfortable, I turn down/off the air conditioning to make Roger more comfortable.  Meanwhile I melt into disgusting pools of ooze.  Nice, huh?  Anyway, I think its going to be a weekend of compromise.  The first two days 95 degrees + and the end of the weekend upper 70's to low 80 degrees.  See?  A compromise. 

Hope to have many more Roger-isms to share as the weekend wears on.  Also, hoping your weekend is fab.

love, a

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