Tuesday, January 5, 2010

No one sleeps in a hospital

Its only 8:30 and I feel like we have already put in a day and a half's worth of effort. Our wake up call came at 6:15 when a transporter came to take Roger to a chest xray (step one to getting us out of the hospital). Sadly this little wake up call - complete with all the overhead lights flipped on and one very loud, way-too-exuberant transport person - came not long after I finally went to sleep. Oh well that's life in a hospital....how sad that we are becoming experts at "life in a hospital". Since I was awake, I went ahead and "packed the room". I took off the linens from my not-so-comfy cot and folded the old rickety-thing up. I figure if I put out this aura of "we're getting out of here", maybe it will stick. As you can imagine, I'm a little skeptical in light of our continued murphy's-law-type luck.

Waiting for the furnace guy to call me to tell me he has/hasn't located the broken part on the furnace. Meanwhile I sit here and wonder if the house is frozen. I drained all the pipes, shut off the water main, and flipped on every light in the house (lights give off a LITTLE warmth). When I left the temperature was 63 degrees inside the house. The temperature outside....a toasty 8 degrees. I'm hopeful the temp didn't drop too much. Fortunately the cats have fur coats to keep them warm with loads of blankets spread out on chairs etc to keep them warm.

So, its confirmed we are going home TODAY!!!! Orders are being written. Staples are going to be pulled from Roger's stomach incision. Visiting nurse has been scheduled. Appt has been set for us to go to infectious disease office tomorrow to get schooled on antibiotic feeds and so on and so on. It sounds like it will be quite the ordeal to get us out of here with checks and double checks and lessons and instructions, etc. but nonetheless we are breaking out of here!!!! Its really sweet as the word has spread among the nurses, they have been stopping to tell Roger how great he looks and to wish him well. Once again we feel like we're leaving a new family like we did when we were at the Oncology Center. The upside of any of this aside from getting Roger cured, is meeting a lot of wonderful people along the way.

That's it for now. I look forward to posting again tonight from the comfort of our TOASTY WARM home. ~ Angie

1 comment:

  1. hey angie, that is awesome news! so happy for you two...wishing a good trip home. i'll sure miss you at the office. my personal email is mrsjuerlo@comcast.net. keep in touch! best, lori j.
