Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bring on the good days

This is one of my all time favorite photos of Roger. The three beautiful women he is sitting with are our nieces Sarah, Sammy, and Haley (left to right). It was FREEZING when we took the pictures last May so the girls huddled close to Uncle Roger. Though we all ended up with various degrees of frost bite (OK, a small exaggeration), the day netted some gorgeous photos. We had loads of laughs. It was a good day.

And speaking of good days, we have had several lately which has rejuvenated both of us. Roger has felt GREAT. Just thinking about how good he feels brings a big smile to my face. Makes you forget all the nonsense and trivial things that surrounds you on a daily basis. He still gets winded and tired pretty easily but otherwise feels great. The weekend was eventful at least for us compared to the past several weeks. We went to a birthday party for Roger's Uncle Jim who turned 95! Went to some friends house for delicious dessert, and then spent all of Sunday working on projects - Roger cleaned and vacuumed cars and blew leaves (pictures to follow ). I had the delight of bagging more leaves and those damn Ginkgo smelly seed things. And when we talk about how smelly these are...think the smell of vomit (literally) and you have the smell of these foul things when squished. The other big moment we had - though most of you may scratch your head on this too - was that we actually ate out at a restaurant! In the total time since Roger started treatment, we have eaten out exactly twice including this past Sunday. That was a big change for a couple that ate out several times a week.

I've heard from many of you that we gave you a scare by not posting to the blog more regularly - with that knowledge we are going to try to post a little more frequently though the world may be same ol' same ol' we'll still let you know that everything is ok.

We met with the oncologist yesterday. He was really pleased with how well Roger has been doing. The schedule this week is PET Scan on Thursday morning and another endoscopic ultrasound on Friday afternoon. We are going back to IU/Clarian for both tests since they did the two original tests a couple months ago. In theory the tests will show that the chemo and radiation have reduced if not totally "killed" the tumors. Once we have those tests results - and all is good - then we will meet with the oncologist again, then the surgeon for a pre-surgery meeting, then most-likely a heart stress test to make sure that Roger's heart is strong enough for the surgery, meet with the oncologist one more time, and THEN....have the surgery. So if you're still tracking with me on this process, we anticipate the surgery will be the end of Nov or beginning of Dec. The surgery will definitely be before the end of the year. The exact date still is not known. We will post the date as soon as we have it.

More soon~ A & R

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