Thursday, August 6, 2009

If you are at this site/blog, then you have obviously learned that Roger has been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. He went in for a "routine" upper and lower GI because his sister Denise has had a history of two episodes with cancer; the most recent incidence (about 20 months ago) ended up being stomach and esophageal. Denise underwent a pretty traumatic surgery/treatment back in November 2007 but is on the mend much to our entire family's relief. (Roger and Denise pictured below)

Here's the brief scoop: Roger went in for the initial tests on 7/24. At that time the doctor took a biopsy of suspicious cells in the lower third of the esophagus. Last Friday, 7/31, (we're learning to dislike Fridays) Roger received news from the doctor's office that the biopsy came back showing adenocarcinoma in the esophagus. We don't know the "level" or stage of the cancer. Apparently the esophagus has 4 layers. We're hoping the cancer is only in the first layer - the earliest stage. He goes back into the doctor on August 14th (back to hating Fridays) for another test, an endoscopic ultra sound; this test is supposed to tell us if the cancer has spread to any additional layers of the esophagus and lymph nodes. If the cancer has not spread beyond the first layer, then that same day Roger will have a second procedure called a Mucosal Resection, wherein the abnormal cells/tissue/lesion will be removed. This procedure is supposed to be pretty painful for the next several weeks as the esophagus will be "raw". He will be on a liquid diet (and um, no alcohol) for the first couple days, thereafter "soft" mushy food for 4 weeks, yum.

The good news is that Roger is young...most patients that are treated for this cancer are in their 70s which makes treatment more limited. According to the doctor's office and some Internet research, it appears that this type of cancer is starting to appear more frequently in the western hemisphere especially among caucasian males. The cancer often occurs as a result of chronic acid reflux. The acid reflux causes a degeneration of cells and the lining of the esophagus which results in a condition known as Barretts Esophagus. Barretts should be closely monitored as it can become a pre-cancerous condition. The tough part is that a lot of people have a high tolerance for heartburn/acid reflux and may let the condition go for a long time. The doctor's office believes Roger may have had acid reflux for many years - since he was in his 20s. The moral to this story for EVERYONE out there is to NOT ignore on going heartburn/acid reflux symptoms. Ironically, I was speaking with a friend of ours who said he has Barretts...he obviously is going to step up and have is annual exam.

Roger feels fine. No pain. Mentally? Hard to say. He's pretty laid back about the whole thing and tends to process internally. As many of you know, he's an even-tempered, easy-going guy and has been called "Mr. Don't Worry 'Bout It". Like any of us, I am sure he thinks about this in quiet times but he seems to maintain "it is what it is". He's staying busy with projects (and god knows he has tons of projects to do) - trying to knock out as many as possible before the 14th in the event that he is out of commission for longer than anticipated.

Ok - probably more than all of you wanted to hear but I firmly believe knowledge is power. We will continue to update the blog as we have more info. Thanks to all for your continued love and support. It means the world to both of us.


  1. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you both. I am sure that this is very challenging for you both to work through, and please be assured we will always be there to help! We will pray that all future Fridays are met only with good news!

    In the meantime, if we can help with anything, please just ask. I know it can be tough to figure out how others can help, so I will offer my help to start the ball rolling. I will stop by as soon as it is convenient and remove all alcohol from your place (to help eliminate temptation during recovery) and dispose of in an environmentally sensitive fashion.

    In all seriousness, we love you both and hope/pray that the outcome will be the best one possible.

    Alan/Leeann/Alex/Haley/Sarah/Sami Bird

  2. I found an article a while back that claimed to have found the cure for cancer. This was not the first article I read that made this claim, but it was the first one I have put any faith in. It is a drug called DCA (Dichloroacetic Acid). After confirming the benefits from numerous resources, I found that unlike chemo and radiation DCA kills the cancer cells and leaves the healthy cells alone. You simply put a dose in a glass of water and drink. That is all I am going to put forth because I know you will do your own research and find out everything you need to know to move forward. I will add a couple resources for you to start with, but I encourage you to use various search engines, not just google or bing, to become fully informed. - This is one news report covering the story. If you look at related videos there are MANY other news reports and documentaries detailing the drug. - 7th paragraph down is one source you can buy it from in grams.

    Besides that search DCA in search engines and youtube. Documentaries are typically much more informative than a single article.

    Let me know what conclusion you come to.

    - Adam

  3. Something else to look into is the benefits of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Humans, plants and animals are all aerobic organisms (we thrive in oxygen rich environments). Viruses and bacteria are anaerobic organism (thrive in low-no oxygen environments). Our cells contain a low amount of oxygen so they are a good environment for viruses to grow in. Drinking some of this food grade hydrogen peroxide solution in water a few times a day increases the amount of oxygen in your cells and thus kills the anaerobic cancer cells. Seems almost too simple to be true. But again, research for yourself.


    ONE resource of many

    please look into this before putting yourself through surgery.
