Monday, February 6, 2012

We have had a relatively quiet weekend.  Roger, for the most part, has felt relatively decent.  A little puny this morning but otherwise decent.  And today, I finally felt decent.  The stars and the moons aligned!  We had a late breakfast then set about our respective way running errands and doing our own things.  The refrigerator was pretty bare so I ventured out to the dreaded grocery (not my favorite place....especially on Superbowl Sunday!).  Roger went a different direction to knock out his various errands including ANOTHER trip to the hardware store.  He seems to be a regular at the hardware store all because he won't make a list.  Whatever.  I'm not big on making repeat trips to any store, let alone the hardware store.  So, a list seems like such a minor thing to me.  Oh well, our brains are not wired the same way.  (news flash, huh?)

The week promises to be busy.  We are trying to get out of town to a little sunshine.  Thought we'd "get away from it all" in particular get away from all things medical/health care related and maybe in the process reconnect a little as a couple.  Don't get me wrong.  This cancer-thing has made us so much stronger as a couple and so much closer.  Its just that you can also get lost in the vortex of cancer.  We're hoping to leave the vortex and heaviness behind for a few days while soaking in a little sun. All with a focus on living and quality of life!  I'll be returning to Indy after a few days while Roger stays behind until the end of the month.  Between you and me, it leaves me a little short of breath and absolutely anxious when I think of him being away.  The slight (ha) control freak that I am gets all twisty when thinking about this whole scenario.  My greatest fear is that Roger won't be as diligent with eating, drinking, or taking his meds when he's away.  As you all know (and Roger does as well) he's 52 years old going on 11.  No offense men, but women seem to be way more diligent about taking meds, following doctors instructions, etc.  Oh well, 2 weeks of additional anxiety should be a walk in the park for me after the last 2 years of anxiety.  Right?  And I always have the trusty cell phone for calls and texts as a reminder. Nag nag nag.

We had fun watching the SuperBowl tonight.  Mom and Dad came over for the first half. We grilled out pizza and watched the game.  Go Giants!!  Even though we didn't really have a proverbial dog in the hunt, we were rooting for the Giants except for my Dad who was pulling for New England. I was sure my Mom was going to smother him with the sofa pillow.  Regardless it was a great game from football standards.  Couple small heart attacks along the way added to the excitement.  And now as we sit on the sofa, Jimmy Fallon Late Show has come on filmed live from Indy. Gotta tell you, we think its just too cool to have all this hoopla in our little ol' town.  Wishing we were live down at the show just to be part of the excitement.  Nonetheless, cool. 

Hope your week is off to a great start! a & r

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